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Call for testimonies
from the border

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We are the Malmadur theater company. Right now we are working on a text that will serve as a sound accompaniment to a walkthrough. It is called Confine radiante | an augmented imagination experience.

The spectators will listen to an audio as they walk from point A to point B. The path, which in a straight line is exactly one kilometer, is located on the crest of a mountain called Sabotino and has the peculiarity of exactly following the line of a border: walking south, to the left is Slovenia, to the right Italy. The walker's feet are on the very thin line separating two states.


During the path we would also like the walker to hear some first-hand testimonies from other lines in the world dividing two countries. For this we need your help. 


For us, true accounts of people living the reality of a border are essential. The border experiences we are seeking start from geography, thus from boundaries between states, and then transcend the concept. We would like to mix testimonies of geographic borders with testimonies of borders between urban areas and countryside/nature, between rich and poor neighborhoods, testimonies from exclaves (Ceuta, Melilla, Campione d'Italia, Gibraltar etc.), ecosystemic borders such as those between a sea and a lagoon, and anything that can be considered a "border," a "boundary between two realities."

If you are interested , send us your registration by August 25, 2022: below you will find all the instructions.

If you are interested in participating, please follow these instruction:

Go toward the border. Stand exactly on the line dividing the two sides. (If you cannot physically stand on the line, try to stand on the closest point on the line that you are allowed to reach.)

Record on your cell phone a voice message of maximum lenght of  7 minutes in which you describe what you see to your left and right, on either side of the line. No historical or political references are necessary. Describe as you prefer what you observe on either side of a line that may or may not be invisible. We care about the genuineness of the record; don't worry too much about the form.

When you are finished, send the voice message via Whatsapp to this number: +39 3404878558 or via email to  We will be able to accept recordings until August 25, 2022.

By participating in this call, you agree that the Malmadur company will use and edit your recording for the creation of an audio track accessible to all.

InVisible Cities, which will host Radiant Boundary on September 2nd and 4th, 2022, is a multidisciplinary and widespread festival in the Friuli region (North East Italy) that focuses on the dialogue between performing arts, digital languages and urban spaces. 

The audio track that will be the final result of this work, will remain available directly on the site of Invisible cities for free for all those who wish to visit Mount Sabotino.

Thank you for your help, 


Venice, July, 25th 2022

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