Bersabèa, the second project of the group, arises from the need to tell through small testimonies, a danger that all countries can run: the privatization of the most vital human good and right, water. The project is inspired by the popular uprising also known as the "water war" in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba. The protagonist in the play is the invented city of Beersheba, with its characters who give it a voice and with whom, hanging by a thread, he could also tell his story.
Dialoghi con Pavese is a European intercultural project conceived and directed by director Orlando Forioso and coordinated by TeatrEuropa Corsica in collaboration with Empusa Teatro.
A great journey between Mediterranean cultures and the Italian twentieth century, a journey through one of the most mysterious writers, certainly the most restless, the most desperate, the crudest. Cesare Pavese has never written a theatrical text, and for this reason it is worthwhile to think of his Dialogues with Leucò as chapters of a single poetic discourse on the presence of the Mediterranean myth in the contemporary world.

EmpusaTeatro is a reality developed and consolidated during the training course at the Faculty of Design and Arts-IUAV - performative address since 2005. In 2010 it was officially born as an independent company structured in a staff made up of all the professional figures necessary for the entire path of birth and growth of a theathral show.
The company has participated in staging experiences in internships and workshops (not only university) conducted by Gigi Dall'Aglio, Claudio Longhi, Claudio Coloretti, Mario Fontanini, Tiziano Santi, Elisabetta Pozzi, Walter Le Moli, Luca Fontana, Margherita Palli , Csaba Antal, Monique Arnaud, Carmelo Rifici, Luca Ronconi, Franco Ripa di Meana, Ottavia Piccolo, Cesar Brie. Made up of girls and boys coming from the Venetian university world: IUAV - Master's Degree Course in Theater Science and Techniques and Ca 'Foscari University, the Empusa company is characterized by several figures divided into the roles of direction, dramaturgy, scenography and scenography, costume and tailoring, light design, organization and press communication and by a group (this more variable) of actors.
Why "Empusa"?
Empusa is a mythological monster mentioned in Aristophanes' Frogs that takes all forms, now ox, now mule, now beautiful woman, now dog.
The dramaturgy tells the invented story of the occupation of an asylum by patients, taking its cue from the complex asylum on the island of San Servolo, active as a men's asylum in Venice until 13 August 1978. This story is presented to us by the Director of the occupied asylum who, like a Dante's Virgil, will accompany a young nurse to his first day of work in the various departments of the asylum, where stories and portraits of those people who are called by common sense will come to be discovered. village idiots, or more generically crazy.
"I'll try to explain it to you in simple words. The service, as it is, it is not sent. The piece is beautiful, compelling, courageous, but as it is, it is not sent. "The War of Water", a slightly too apocalyptic, alarmist title. People would immediately think of the army and some dead. And we can't make people think about anything other than fighting to Beersheba doily the army and some dead. "
From "Beersheba"
"What used to belong to everyone, now belongs to the multinational water consortium. The water passes in the houses one hour a day, half an hour in the morning, half an hour in the evening. Mud-colored water, water that tastes of rust, Bleach water, cholera water. Want to drink clean Beersheba? There's Coca-Cola water, Pepsi water, Nestlé water. They're well known brands, you can trust them. "
From "Beersheba"